Welcome to the 31st International Symposium on Discharge and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV)

The International Symposium on Discharge and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV) is a non-profit, international forum whose purpose is to encourage the advancement of the science and application of electrical insulation and discharges in vacuum, primarily by conducting symposia for the exchange of scientific information. The Symposium is held biennially for the exchange of results, presentation of progress, and discussion of ideas and challenges for the future of discharge and electrical insulation in vacuum. Both fundamental and applied aspects are covered. Symposium program consists of invited talks, invited oral contributions, and posters. Minicourses and informal discussions on relevant topics may also be offered in addition to the regular Symposium schedule.

The 31st ISDEIV will be held in the beautiful city, "The land of abundance", Chengdu, China, from Sept. 21 to 26, 2025. The conference will be hosted by Sichuan University, and technically sponsored by IEEE DEIS.

In the meantime, please contact us if you have questions on any aspect of the conference.

latest News

Second call for papers

Call for Sponsorship is released!

Important Dates

Abstract Submission:
10/01/2025 Extended to 10/02/2025
Abstract Decision Notification:
Paper Submission:
Paper Final Decision Notification:
Early Bird Registration:
Conference Dates:
